2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'master of computer science online'|...The article is in the December, 2010 issue of ‘The American Conservative’ magazine, here, ...Brendan Dougherty, pp. 22-5 in the print edition. Online viewing by subscription only. Let me...

About 'master of computer science online'|...The article is in the December, 2010 issue of ‘The American Conservative’ magazine, here, ...Brendan Dougherty, pp. 22-5 in the print edition. Online viewing by subscription only. Let me...

It's               all               speculative,               but               some               numerologists               in               Sacramento               may               be               focusing               on               the               number               eleven               this               year               and               its               significance               in               relation               to               health.

For               example,               this               November,               you'll               see               a               date               of               11/11/11.

What's               the               numerology               prediction               for               babies               born               on               this               date?

Numerologists               may               also               be               pointing               to               the               health-related               events               surrounding               people               born               on               9/11               or               the               significance               (excellent               health               benefits)               of               going               to               a               dentist               or               doctor               whose               address               adds               up               to               911,               the               emergency               number.

For               example               if               you               add               the               address               or               phone               number               of               2711,               (in               any               city)               two               and               seven               equal               nine               and               one               and               one               equal               two.

Add               nine               and               two,               and               you               have               11.

Also               2               and               7               equal               9,               followed               by               an               11,               which               equals,               911,               the               emergency               number.

Then               add               9               to               one               and               one,               and               it               adds               up               to               eleven.
               The               number               11               by               itself               just               adds               up               to               2,               which               is               half               of               a               square,               the               number               4.

Does               it               have               a               meaning               in               various               cultures?

Usually               it               adds               up               to               a               health               wish,               that               is               when               the               clock               strikes               11:11               a.m.

and               p.m.,               and               you               make               a               wish               for               better               health,               your               wish               is               supposed               to               come               true.

There's               even               a               numerologist's               website               devoted               to               analyzing               the               meaning               of               the               number               11.
               Some               numerologists               focus               on               the               number               11               this               year.

Check               out               the               uTube               video               on               what               happens               on               the               11th               or               the               29th               of               any               given               month.

(The               29th               because               2               plus               9               equal               11).

Other               numerologists               focus               on               the               number               11               as               related               to               the               global               economy.

Check               out               the               websites,               The               Number               11               and               Obama;               Coinicidence               or               Plot               and               Gary's               New               Show               OUTSIDE               THE               BOX               starts               1/10/2011.
               In               Sacramento,               the               number               11               is               meaningful               to               some               numerologists               as               a               time               to               make               a               wish               for               better               health.

Numbers               do               have               meaning,               but               do               they               have               vibrations               that               have               health-related               or               economical-related               significance?
               Elsewhere,               online,               if               you               check               out               the               website               of               Gary,               the               numbers               guy,               the               website               reports,               "Every               number               represents               a               different               type               of               Vibrational               energy.

There               are               also               two               different               levels               of               frequencies               represented               by               the               numbers.

The               core               numbers               are               1-9,               the               Master               numbers               are               11,               22               &               33.

Unlike               the               core               numbers               that               always               are               reduced               to               1-9,               master               Numbers               Vibration               energy               is               so               strong               the               number               is               never               reduced."
               So               what               does               this               mean               for               Sacramento?

The               letters               add               up               to               the               number               10.

And               one               plus               zero               equals               one.
               Number               8               represents               karmic               debt.

What               does               the               number               11               mean?

Why               is               there               so               much               emphasis               now               on               the               number               11?

Could               it               be               because               the               year               is               2011?

And               why               are               there               so               many               numerologists               focusing               on               11/11/11?

Was               it               similar               in               10/10/10?

What               happened               in               09/09/09?

According               to               numerologists,               every               number               deals               with               energy               vibrations.

And               if               you               add               up               11/11/2011,               you               have               22               and               4.

Reducing               it               further               22               adds               up               to               4               in               numerology               and               4               is               4.

But               if               you               add               4               to               4               you               have               8,               the               number               vibration               representing               "karmic               debt."               However,               as               a               master               number,               22               is               not               reduced.

Master               numbers               are               11,               22               &               33.
               Of               course,               it's               all               so               speculative               for               Sacramento.

But               online               and               elsewhere,               Gary,               the               numbers               guy,               reports               the               following               numerology               information               regarding               the               number               11,               on               his               website:               Check               out               that               website               listed               some               of               the               political               people               in               office               today               whose               numbers               seem               to               add               up               to               the               number               11,               titled,               "Regarding               President               Obama."               Does               it               mean               anything               that               some               of               the               political               people               around               us               today               have               numbers               that               add               up               to               the               number               11?
               And               is               there               any               meaning               or               coincidence               that               a               child               born               on               9/11/01               should               have               met               a               tragedy               in               2011?

Or               is               numerology               simply               speculation               as               people               tend               to               look               for               patterns               in               anything               that               they               think               they               can               analyze?

What's               real               and               what's               a               search               for               patterns               to               make               order               out               of               randomness?

Do               you               follow               numerology               in               Sacramento?
               Time               reveals               in               retrospect               many               patterns.

But               can               anyone               really               go               beyond               speculation               with               numerology?

Or               is               there               something               to               those               vibrations               of               numbers?

If               you're               interested               in               numerology               and               health,               to               go               in               another               direction,               here's               how               to               open               your               own               numerology               business               online               for               entertainment               purposes.

Your               first               step               is               to               find               out               what               the               number               vibrations               represent.

Again,               when               the               clock               strikes               11:11               in               the               morning               or               evening,               and               you               make               a               wish,               the               wish               is               supposed               to               have               more               meaning,               especially               if               you               wish               for               great               health.
               Here's               how               to               open               a               Sacramento               numerology               business               for               entertainment               purposes
               Here's               how               to               open               and               operate               a               numerology               business,               whether               you               want               to               write               a               weekly               or               monthly               column               for               the               media,               give               readings               for               fundraising,               or               use               for               your               own               research               in               the               realm               of               "media               and               culture."               Numerology,               should               you               want               to               be               a               communicator               or               commentator,               is               about               looking               at               life               cycles               in               ancient               ways               and               reporting               on               what               you               find.
               You'd               be               interpreting               numbers               for               entertainment               or               fundraising               purposes               or               to               discuss               life               cycles               with               your               intended               audience.

Numerology               also               makes               a               fascinating               column               in               the               lifestyle               media.

Or               you               might               present               friends               with               a               life               cycle               gift               book.

For               further               information,               browse               my               paperback               book,               101+               Practical               Ways               to               Raise               Funds               -               iUniverse:               A               Step-by-Step               Guide               with               Answers.
               Description               of               business
               Numerologists               interpret               the               numbers               that               determine               life               cycles               and               believe               success               is               attracted               to               certain               combinations               of               numbers.

When               you               produce               a               numerology               instructional               gift               book,               show               clients               how               to               offer               readings.
               Customize               the               reading               as               a               gift               book               only               for               each               client.

Readers               such               as               astrologers,               behavior               specialists,               psychics,               mentalists,               or               those               in               the               self-help               field               may               publish               a               book               for               one               individual               giving               a               'reading'               or               'forecast'               or               perhaps               a               suggestion               for               behavioral               or               diet               changes               if               one               is               a               licensed               professional               in               the               self-help               or               nutrition               field.
               One               example               here               describes               how               a               numerologist               might               offer               a               reading.

Each               person               who               offers               a               service               in               various               fields               that               help               others               may               offer               a               photo               and               text               gift               book               showing               each               client               an               individually               customized               path               to               follow               or               strategies               and               steps               used               to               give               someone               a               reading.
               As               a               numerologist,               you               give               clients               a               reading               based               on               how               the               client's               first,               middle,               and               last               names               influence               their               chances               of               success               in               finance,               employment,               marriage,               or               overall               happiness.

For               entertainment               purposes               only,               readings               by               numerologists,               astrologers,               or               practitioners               of               the               noetic               arts               work               well               with               personalized               gift               books               using               various               media.

Numerologists               believe               that               you               can               change               the               way               people               react               to               you               by               changing               your               name,               thereby               influencing               your               chances               for               success.
               Equipment               Needed
               You'll               need               the               usual               print-on-demand               publishing               software               as               well               as               printing               and               distributing               channels               even               for               one               book               customized               for               one               individual.

If               you               place               your               'reading'               on               a               video               based               on               an               interview               (instead               of               publishing               the               material               in               a               book)               you'll               need               a               personal               computer,               video               camcorder,               DVD               and               CD               recording               drives,               and               disks.
               The               estimated               costs               are               about               $1,000               worth               of               computer               equipment               and               about               $1,000-$3,000               for               an               industrial               quality               camcorder.

Of               course,               you               can               use               your               digital               high               8               camcorder,               but               the               broadcast               quality               for               professional-quality               DVDs               would               be               better               with               an               industrial               broadcast               quality               camcorder.
               For               non-broadcast               home               entertainment               purposes,               any               digital               video               Web               camera               or               camcorder               will               record               a               reading               for               your               client.

Ask               your               client               whether               he               or               she               wants               a               gift               book               with               the               numerology               or               other               reading               transcribed               in               text               along               with               photos               of               the               person's               life               at               different               stages.
               Using               the               numerology               small               business               or               hobby               example,               you               might               find               that               numerology               software               will               be               helpful.

There               is               plenty               of               free               numerology               software               on               the               Web               for               you               to               download.
               Some               Web               sites               include:               Decoz®Numerology               -               FreeNumerology               Software               -               Free               Numerology               Readings               and               Numerology               Software               to               purchase               called               Professional               Numerologist.

There               is               a               free               evaluation               copy               of               numerology               software               to               test               before               you               buy.

It's               on               the               Web               site               at               Widening               Horizons.

A               free               Numerology               Analysis               Tool               software               is               at               the               Aborigine               Mundi               site.

Also,               search               under               "Numerology               Software"               as               key               words               in               your               search               engine               online               and               find               all               types               of               numerology               software,               either               free               ware,               evaluation               copies,               or               software               to               purchase.
               Operating               your               numerology               business               online
               To               give               a               numerological               reading,               begin               by               obtaining               the               first,               middle,               and               last               name               of               your               client               and               your               client's               birth               date.

In               most               interpretations               of               numerology               each               letter               of               the               alphabet               is               assigned               a               number.

These               numbers               are               attributed               with               descriptions               of               personality.

The               numbers               correspond               to               the               following               designations               of               the               alphabet.
               A               B               C               D               E               F               G               H               I               J               K               L               M               N               O               P               Q               R               S               T               U               V               W               X               Y               Z
               1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9               1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9               1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9
               1)               leadership
               2)               artistic               ability
               3)               humor
               4)               logical               thinking
               5)               communications               ability
               6)               domesticity
               7)               analytical               and               intellectual               skills
               8)               business               ethicality
               9)               entertainment
               Some               systems               of               numerology               attribute               personality               quality               to               numbers.

Number               9               in               some               systems               is               negative.

By               changing               your               name               you               avoid               the               repelling               quality               of               your               number.
               In               order               to               forecast               with               a               numerological               reading,               you               must               add               up               the               day,               month,               and               year               of               a               person's               birth               date               and               then               add               that               figure               to               the               sum               arrived               at               from               adding               the               letters               of               the               first,               middle,               and               last               name.

Then               you               take               that               sum               and               add               the               figures               until               you               arrive               at               a               number               of               9               or               less.

For               example,               if               you               arrive               at               the               number               22,               each               figure               must               be               added               until               you               get               4.

The               number               10               is               1               plus               0               or               1.
               A               person's               reading               consists               of               reducing               all               the               numbers               to               between               1               and               9.

One               example               is               your               client               with               the               name               "Anne               Joan."               These               names               are               represented               by               the               numbers               1555               and               1615.

Add               the               numbers               in               the               first               name               and               the               sum               is               16.

Add               the               two               figures,               and               the               sum               is               7.
               The               next               name               adds               up               to               13.

Then,               1               plus               3               equals               4.

Take               the               7               and               4               and               add               them               to               get               11.

Add               the               1               plus               1,               and               get               a               2.

Now               take               the               number               2               and               add               it               to               the               sum               of               the               person's               birth               date.

For               example,               if               the               person               was               born               on               November               18,               1941,               it               would               be               done               this               way:               1941               plus               11               plus               18.

The               sum               total               is               1970.

Add               each               figure               and               get               17.

Add               these               two               figures               to               get               one               figure.
               You               end               up               with               8.

Now               add               the               number               2               from               the               name               to               8               and               get               10.

Since               one               plus               0               is               1,               your               client               is               a               number               1.

In               numerology               number               1               means               strong               leadership               ability.

You               could               then               advise               your               client               to               study               for               careers               in               which               the               leadership               qualities               would               be               used.
               In               addition               to               names,               numerologists               predict               success               is               attracted               to               certain               combinations               of               numbers               in               street               addresses,               telephone               numbers,               and               other               number               sequences               found               in               the               life               cycle               that               are               believed               to               be               predestined.

Some               numerologists               predict               stock               market               swings               by               observing               recurring               number               cycles               and               ten-year               patterns.

Full               instruction               can               be               obtained               by               studying               several               good               books               on               numerology               and               the               instructions               accompanying               numerology               software.
               When               you               have               learned               the               techniques,               it's               time               to               practice               making               private               video               podcasts               of               numerology               readings               for               your               clients.

Your               video               podcasts               also               can               be               used               to               offer               instruction               and               courses               in               numerology               or               related               fields.
               In               addition               to               numerology               there               are               other               noetic               areas               to               explore               such               as               astrology               or               other               types               of               readings.

Video               podcasts               work               well               when               giving               instruction               in               how               to               do               numerology               as               most               readings               for               clients               are               private               and               more               suitable               for               saving               on               a               CD               or               DVD.
               You               wouldn't               post               private               readings               for               clients               on               public               Web               sites,               but               you               might               put               up               a               video               for               a               client               to               download               from               a               private               site               or               send               the               client               a               CD               or               DVD               with               the               video               reading.

The               video               podcast               also               may               be               produced               in               interview               format.
               Target               Market
               Convention               attendees,               party               entertainment               planners,               public               access               TV               panels,               creative               salons,               interviewers,               radio               talk               show               hosts,               community               centers,               senior               centers,               astrology               and               numerology               clubs,               and               subscribers               to               numerology               and/or               astrology               publications,               students               of               numerology               courses               or               subscribers               related               new-age,               intuitive,               and               mind-body-spirit               publications               are               all               potential               audiences.

You               can               also               write               for               niche               newspapers               and               magazines,               or               attend               new               age               fairs.
               Other               people               in               the               mind-body-spirit               arena               include               spiritualists,               ministers               of               new               age-related               churches,               mystic               and               noetic               science               course               instructors,               members               of               parapsychology               clubs,               and               groups               or               publications               interested               in               forecasting               and               insight               may               be               interested.

Even               some               nightclub               acts               may               feature               numerologists               and               mentalists.
               Income               Potential
               For               entertainment               purposes,               most               numerologists               on               radio               talk               show               are               not               paid.

To               give               individual               readings,               a               top-notch               numerologist               who               is               asked               to               speak               on               numerous               radio               or               TV               shows               can               ask               for               approximately               $200               to               answer               a               question               or               give               a               reading.

Your               purpose               would               be               to               help               people               figuratively               balance.
               Lesser               known               numerologists               can               ask               anywhere               from               $15               to               $25               or               even               $50               for               a               numerology               reading.

The               more               time               you               spend               analyzing               a               client's               numbers,               the               more               you               can               ask.

Readings               also               can               be               done               online,               by               phone,               or               through               video               or               audio               readings.
               Save               the               files               and               convert               them               to               MP3               audio               files               and/or               MP4               video               files.

That               way,               the               customer               can               download               the               file               into               a               mobile               device               such               as               an               iPod.
               In               a               gift               book               or               using               video,               the               client               can               actually               see               how               the               numbers               are               grouped               and               interpreted               if               you               have               charts,               Power               point               slide               shows,               or               excellent               quality               video               close-ups               can               showcase               how               you               work               with               numbers.
               You               can               publish               a               gift               book               with               catchy               titles               such               as               "I               Have               Your               Number"               or               anything               similar               that's               not               copyrighted,               registered,               or               trademarked.

Make               sure               any               title               you               use               is               not               reserved               exclusively               for               someone               else               doing               similar               work.
               Gift               books               can               be               published               presenting               your               or               your               client               performing               exercises,               workouts               or               touch               and               healing               arts               such               as               tai               chi,               qi               gong,               Reiki,               and               Yoga               instruction               with               discussion.
               Research               what               'Lightworkers'               actually               do.

Can               they               be               featured               in               gift               books?

Combine               numerology               with               other               venues.
               Also               check               out               Web               sites               for               a               variety               of               centers               that               specialize               in               helping               people               and               learning               experiences.

You               may               wish               to               look               at               the               Web               site               of               the               Awakening               Center.
               The               Awakening               Center'ssite               states,               "OFALFO.org               -               a               project               of               the               Awakening               Center,               reaching               out               on               the               web               and               in               the               community,               in               Audio/Video/Text               chats,               community               portal               site               and               distance               learning               with               a               group               of               volunteers               who               give               of               their               time               and               heart               to               assist               others               to               find               their               'center.'               Continuing               to               grow               and               CO-create               the               essences               for               communicating               in               more               vibrant               methods               to               assist               in               reaching               as               many               as               we               can."
               Whatever               path               you               choose               for               publishing               gift               books,               use               a               variety               of               media               to               promote               your               books               and               pamphlets.

These               could               be               video               news               releases,               audio               files               on               the               Internet,               syndication,               podcasts,               or               publicity               in               local               weekly               newspapers               targeting               a               specific               audience               or               niche.
               Attend               professional               and               trade               associations'               meetings.

Volunteer               to               speak               or               set               up               speaker's               panels               for               conferences               where               you               can               mention               your               interest               in               publishing               gift               books.
               Check               out               my               three               daily               Examiner               columns               on               nutrition,               healthy               trends,               and               women's               issues.
               Sacramento               Nutrition               Examiner
               Sacramento               Healthy               Trends               Examiner
               Sacramento               Women's               Issues               Examiner
               Helpful               Quotations

contain               the               only               truths               to               be               relied               on               in               a               newspaper."               __               Thomas               Jefferson               (1743               -               1826),               Letter               to               Nathaniel               Macon,               January               12,               1819.
               "When               I               do               good,               I               feel               good;               when               I               do               bad,               I               feel               bad,               and               that               is               my               religion."               __               Abraham               Lincoln               (1809               -               1865),               (attributed)
               "Science               without               religion               is               lame;               religion               without               science               is               blind."               __               Albert               Einstein               (1879               -               1955),               "Science,               Philosophy               and               Religion:               a               Symposium",               1941

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    About 'online anthropology masters degree'|Master Teacher.....

    About 'online anthropology masters degree'|Master Teacher.....

    For               many,               the               dream               and               reality               of               ever               returning               to               school               has               long               been               forgotten.

    But,               with               the               explosion               of               distance               learning               programs               made               available               this               no               longer               needs               to               be               the               case.

    Many               colleges               and               universities               across               the               country               are               opening               their               virtual               doors               to               students               everywhere,               offering               the               same               hope               and               opportunity               as               the               thousands               that               enter               their               doors               year-long.

    I               am               one               of               these               people               who               thought               the               dream               had               passed,               and               began               settling               into               my               less-than-satisfactory               life               as               a               GED               holder               with               far               few               options               for               myself               and               my               family.

    I               would               like               to               share               my               experience               at               Ashford               University.

    It               all               began               in               the               Summer               of               2007.

    Life               happened,               as               it               often               does,               and               I               was               forced               to               re-enter               the               work               field.

    With               no               education,               and               little               experience,               my               options               were               severely               limited.

    I               began               a               survey               of               my               life,               and               over               the               following               three               months               began               to               access               who               I               was,               where               I               had               hoped               to               be,               and               where               I               was               headed.

    The               answer               slapped               me               in               the               face,               and               before               long               I               was               researching               my               educational               options.

    I               had               heard               about               online               colleges,               but               the               reputations               I               had               heard               were               not               that               great.

    I               had               been               home               schooling               my               children               for               7               years,               working               only               part-time               here               and               there               to               supplement               my               family's               income,               and               could               not               imagine               the               scheduling               conflicts               that               were               bound               to               surface               if               I               decided               to               enroll               in               a               traditional               college,               work               full-time,               and               still               teach               my               kids.

    So               I               dug               deeper.
                   It               only               took               me               another               two               months               to               make               my               decision.

    I               received               pamphlets,               emails,               and               phone               calls               from               Kaplan,               Phoenix,               Ashford,               and               a               few               others.

    The               personal               touch               and               individual               interest               that               was               shown               to               me               by               the               enrollment               advisor               at               Ashford               made               my               decision               easy.

    I               began               the               enrollment               process               in               September,               and               started               my               first               class               in               October.

    I               have               not               had               to               spend               a               penny               out               of               my               pocket,               since               I               was               able               to               qualify               for               the               Pell               Grant,               along               with               subsidized               loans;               which               cover               my               complete               tuition,               internet               access,               and               all               course               material.

    These               past               12               months               have               been               the               best               experience               of               my               life...well               aside               from               the               birth               and               growth               of               my               kids.
                   Just               like               any               school,               some               of               the               instructors               are               very               interactive               with               their               students.

    This               means               personal               emails,               extra               guidance,               constructive               feedback,               and               an               all-around               involved               way               of               leading               their               classes.

    Two               of               my               favorite               instructors               have               been               Chad               Goings               (Anthropology)               and               Dennis               Magnuson               (Ethics               &               Social               Responsibility).

    These               men               broke               the               barriers               of               distance               learning.

    I               have               had               one               or               two               instructors               who               were               less               than               pleasing               to               work               with.

    But               that               is               life,               and               the               course               material               was               enlightening               enough               without               the               extra               effort               from               them.

    I               never               expected               to               like               all               of               my               instructors,               so               2               out               of               10               isn't               bad.
                   Each               of               my               classes               has               been               enlightening               beyond               my               expectations.

    Not               only               will               the               course               work               help               in               my               area               of               study,               it               has               been               inspirational               and               encouraging               for               my               personal               life               as               well.
                   When               I               began               my               journey               along               the               college               road,               I               expected               to               be               a               part               of               the               college               community.

    However,               when               I               decided               to               take               the               online               road,               I               thought               I               had               given               up               this               opportunity.

    Only               6               weeks               into               my               classes,               my               discouragement               was               vanquished.

    I               made               instant               connections               with               my               classmates,               and               have               since               built               a               support               team               of               fellow               students               who               will               continue               along               this               road               together.
                   As               students               of               Ashford,               we               distance               learners               are               included               with               the               brick-and-mortar               attendees               as               well.

    Our               names               are               listed               right               along               with               theirs               on               the               Dean's               List,               we               are               invited               and               encouraged               to               attend               graduation               ceremonies,               and               we               have               access               to               the               school               store,               and               are               counted               among               the               rest.

    This               has               been               the               greatest               year               of               my               life.

    And               when               my               degree               is               in               my               hands,               I               will               be               returning               to               Ashford               for               my               Masters!
                   The               faculty               at               Ashford               has               surpassed               my               expectations               as               well.

    Once               every               month               or               two,               I               receive               a               phone               call               from               my               academic               advisor.

    She               asks               me               how               my               classes               are               going,               answers               any               questions               I               have,               and               even               asks               how               my               life               in               general               is               going.

    I               never               expected               such               a               personalized               relationship               from               a               distance               learning               team.

    In               the               year               I               have               been               attending,               I               have               received               a               total               of               14-17               phone               calls               from               my               advisors.

    They               are               all               very               concerned               with               the               individuals               with               whom               they               are               working               with.

    And               that               concern               goes               beyond               the               classroom               and               the               checkbook...they               care               about               the               people!
                   I               know               this               may               come               off               as               a               bit               of               an               advertisement               for               the               school.

    Just               know               it               is               not               my               intent.

    I               am               just               hopeful               that               my               story               will               inspire               one               person               who               thought               their               dream               was               dead               and               gone,               to               step               up               and               step               out,               and               achieve               their               dream.

    It               really               is               possible!

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