2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'distance learning master programs'|... while their owner went to learn things and discover and grow and feel...so, and timelines and geography and distance and rules be damned, I ...

About 'distance learning master programs'|... while their owner went to learn things and discover and grow and feel...so, and timelines and geography and distance and rules be damned, I ...

In               today's               world               organizations               of               all               types               are               faced               with               increased               global               competition               and               the               concomitant               need               to               provide               the               highest               quality               product               or               service               at               the               lowest               cost.

This               situation               has               created               a               difficult               paradox               for               training               and               human               resource               professionals               who               must               develop               flexible               workers               capable               of               adapting               to               constant               change,               while               at               the               same               time               dealing               with               reduced               budgets               as               their               organizations               look               to               cut               costs.

Organizations               around               the               world               devote               significant               effort               and               resources               each               year               to               formal               and               informal               training               activities               to               develop               their               human               capital.

Much               of               the               research               in               the               area               of               workplace               learning,               however,               has               focused               on               formal               classroom-based               training.

One               problem               that               deserves               much               more               attention,               therefore,               by               both               training               professionals               and               adult               educators               is               -               how               to               increase               and               improve               learning               on-the-job               in               today's               highly               mobile               and               dynamic               workplace.

One               answer               lies               in               better               knowledge               of               how               workers               actually               learn               on               the               job.

The               study               of               adult               self-directed               workplace               learning               offers               great               potential               for               this               phenomenon.
               PURPOSE               OF               THE               STUDY
               This               article               briefly               discusses               the               results               of               a               study               of               the               characteristics               of               the               self-directed               workplace               learning               projects               of               a               group               of               highly               mobile               workers               (DeSalvo,               1999).

The               study               defined               these               projects               as,               "a               purposive               learning               activity,               conducted               by               the               learner,               which               involved               a               series               of               learning               episodes,               adding               up               to               at               least               seven               hours,               that               was               designed               to               answer               a               question,               solve               a               problem,               retain               information,               develop               new               understanding               or               awareness,               or               perform               a               new               motor               skill,               related               to               the               learner's               work               (Adapted               from               Long,               H.B.,               1992).
               STUDY               GROUP
               The               group               studied               consisted               of               13               federal               law               enforcement               agents,               all               of               whom               were               college               graduates               and               had               been               employed               by               their               agency               for               more               than               24               months.

Each               of               the               13               study               participants               were               interviewed               using               a               13-page               interview               protocol               that               examined               their               workplace               learning               activities               over               the               previous               12               months.

The               participants               were               all               employees               of               a               federal               agency               that               employs               a               distinct               personnel               system               based               on               frequent               geographic               changes               of               assignment               and               frequent               changes               in               job               opportunities.

The               participants'               agency               operated               on               the               principal               of               developing               a               "generalist"               employee               and               required               a               change               of               work               assignment               approximately               every               2-3               years.

During               any               2-3               year               assignment,               participants               were               frequently               rotated               within               different               jobs               within               the               assigned               work               unit.

Every               five               years               the               subjects               were               required               to               serve,               at               a               minimum,               one               tour               of               duty               outside               of               the               U.S.

for               approximately               2-3               years.

This               may               be               followed               by               a               second               consecutive               overseas               assignment               or               by               rotation               to               another               assignment               within               the               United               States               .

This               pattern               of               overseas               tours,               followed               by               domestic               tours,               continued               throughout               the               participants'               careers.
               KEY               RESULTS               OF               THE               STUDY
               The               13               study               participants               had               a               combined               total               of               112               years               of               experience               with               the               agency               and               had               changed               assignments               7.6               times               during               their               combined               careers.

The               participants               had               changed               geographic               assignment               locations               an               average               of               5.9               times               with               the               agency.

Participants               had               cumulatively               served               in               five               different               cities               within               the               United               States               and               15               countries               outside               of               the               United               States               .
               Participant               Self-Directed               Learning               Projects
               -               The               participant               interviews               revealed               that               they               had               completed               a               total               of               82               self-directed               learning               projects               that               met               the               study               definition.
               -               The               82               projects               accounted               for               a               minimum               of               5,               572               hours               over               the               12-month               period               studied.

The               average               number               of               projects               undertaken               by               the               13               participants               was               6.3               and               the               average               number               of               hours               devoted               to               each               project               was               approximately               68               hours/project.

The               average               number               of               hours               each               participant               devoted               to               all               of               their               projects               in               a               12-month               period               was               428.6               hours.
               -               Analysis               of               the               study               data               revealed               that               77%               of               the               participants               were               involved               in               projects               related               to               attempts               to               acquire               knowledge               or               skills               in               computer               operations;               62%               were               involved               in               projects               involving               the               main               focus               of               their               current               jobs               (criminal               investigative               procedures               and               techniques);               and               46%               were               involved               in               projects               involving               legal               and               judicial               procedures.
               -               Additional               analysis               revealed               that               approximately               89%               of               the               projects               were               training               oriented,               that               is,               they               were               focused               on               learning               skills               or               knowledge               for               the               participants               current               job;               approximately               10%               were               education               oriented               as               they               focused               on               learning               skills               or               knowledge               for               a               future               job;               and               approximately               1%               of               the               projects               were               concerned               with               non-specific               development               of               knowledge               and               skills.
               -               The               study               results               illustrated               the               importance               of               self-directed               workplace               learning               for               similar               populations               of               highly               mobile               workers.
               -               The               study               reflected               that               the               participants               tended               to               choose               co-workers               as               their               primary               learning               resource               for               their               projects.

Co-workers               and               supervisors               were               the               most               important               sources               of               learning               as               they               appeared               to               fill               the               critical               role               as               purveyors               of               the               contextual               and               work               group               culture,               that               is,               they               are               the               persons               who               teach               a               fellow               worker               "how               things               are               really               done               around               here".
               -               The               study               reflected               that               the               participants               primarily               followed               a               non-structured,               non-linear,               individualized               process               in               their               learning               projects.
               -               The               study               participants               used               themselves               as               the               principal               planners               in               the               majority               of               their               projects.
               -               In               approximately               79.3%               of               the               participants               learning               projects               -               job               necessity               and               personal               interest               were               the               motivating               factors.
               -               The               study               participants               reported               that               they               were               very               satisfied               with               the               results               of               the               majority               of               their               projects.
               -               The               study               participants               reported               that               the               majority               of               individual               project               barriers               experienced               were               organizational.
               Recommendations               For               Organizations
               -               Organizations               should               publicly               acknowledge               the               importance               and               value               of               self-directed               workplace               learning               and               devise               systems               of               incentives               and               rewards               to               encourage               these               endeavors               by               their               workers.
               -               When               possible,               organizations               should               develop               career               development               systems               that               support               and               encourage               continuous               workplace               learning.

At               a               minimum,               organizations               should               develop               and               publish               for               their               employees               a               comprehensive               list               of               skills               and               knowledge               requirements               needed               for               success               in               each               position.
               -               Human               resource               and               training               professionals               should               develop               programs               and               materials               that,               (a)               address               the               individual               needs               of               workplace               learners,               and               (b)               attempt               to               improve               their               motivation               and               ability               to               continuously               learn               on-the-job.

The               use               of               contract               learning;               structured               on-the-job               learning               programs               via               learning               centers               or               distributed               packages;               and               the               development               of               readily               available               distance               learning               type               resources               should               be               considered               by               organizations.
               -               Training               supervisors               in               methods               for               providing               effective               coaching               and               feedback               to               their               subordinates               might               have               significant               benefits               for               self-directed               workplace               learners               as               might               team               based               approaches               to               work,               where               team               members               were               encouraged               to               assist               each               other               in               their               workplace               learning               activities.
               -               Teaching               self-directed               learners               how               to               learn               and               better               plan               their               workplace               related               learning               projects               might               offer               a               significant               benefit               to               them.
               -               Organizations               should               explore               the               use               of               learning               programs               that               combine               periodic               short               term               residential               seminars               with               guided               independent               study               and               self-directed               learning               components.
               This               article               briefly               discussed               the               key               results               and               recommendations               of               a               study               of               the               characteristics               of               the               self-directed               workplace               learning               projects               of               one               group               of               highly               mobile               workers.

Hopefully,               it               will               assist               organizations               with               similar               work               groups               to               improve               the               results               of               their               workers               attempts               at               self-directed,               on-the-job               learning.
               DeSalvo,               G.L.


A               study               of               the               characteristics               of               the               self-directed               workplace               learning               projects               of               highly-mobile               workers.

Unpublished               master's               thesis.

Graduate               College               ,               University               of               Oklahoma               ,               Norman               .
               Long,               H.B.


Philosophical,               psychological               and               practical               justifications               for               studying               self-direction               in               learning.

In               H.B.

Long               &               Associates               (eds.)               Self-directed               learning:               Application               &               research.



Norman               :               Oklahoma               Research               Center               For               Continuing               &               Higher               Education.

Image of distance learning master programs

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distance learning master programs

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distance learning master programs

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distance learning master programs
distance learning master programs

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distance learning master programs
distance learning master programs

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distance learning master programs
distance learning master programs

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