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About 'biology masters degree'|Hundreds of thousands of Master’s degree holders, PhDs on food stamps

About 'biology masters degree'|Hundreds of thousands of Master’s degree holders, PhDs on food stamps

"Cast               from               the               shackles               which               bound               them,               this               bell               shall               ring               out               of               hope               for               the               mentally               ill               and               victory               over               mental               illness."               Inscription               from               the               300-pound               Mental               Health               Bell               (www.nmha.org)

Ask               anyone               on               the               street               and               they               will               tell               you.

Times               have               changed.
               For               some               of               us,               this               is               true.

For               others,               however,               there               is               a               stigma               that               hangs               over               their               heads               like               a               storm               cloud.

Everyday,               these               individuals               are               subjected               to               feelings               of               unworth,               rejection,               and               invalidation.

For               some               of               them,               who               are               emotionally               struggling               anyway,               it               can               be               way               too               much.

For               people               who               battle               courageously               against               any               type               of               mental               "illness,"               times               may               have               changed,               but               they               are               still               difficult               and               discriminating.
               According               to               the               Mental               Health               America               of               the               Heartland:
               1)               1               in               5               Americans               experience               a               mental               disorder               in               any               given               year,               but               only               HALF               seek               treatment.
               2)               Mental               illnesses               are               physical               brain               disorders               that               can               profoundly               disrupt               a               person's               ability               to               think,               feel,               and               relate               to               others               in               their               environment.
               3)               Mental               illnesses               are               more               common               than               cancer,               diabetes,               or               heart               disease.
               4)               Mental               health               diagnoses               are               the               second               leading               cause               of               disability               in               the               United               States,               but               account               for               only               about               7%               of               healthcare               expenditures.
               5)               Outcomes               for               adults               with               mental               health               diagnoses               improve               dramatically               when               a               well-integrated               delivery               system               exists               within               the               community.

Yes,               that               is               truth,               folks,               one               in               five               people.

So,               if               you               are               at               church               or               your               high               school               reunion               or               even               the               grocery               store,               chances               are               you've               strolled               by               a               mental               health               patient.

You've               probably               spoke               with               them,               worshiped               with               them,               or               even               bought               the               same               type               of               applesauce.

People               have               a               tendency               to               want               to               hide               anything               that               they               consider               a               "flaw"               which               is               why               only               half               of               these               people               seek               treatment.

There               is               a               casual               attitude               towards               mental               health               and               everyone               from               news               casters               to               mental               health               professionals               use               discriminative               and               insulting               terms               with               little               regard               to               the               people               who               suffer               from               the               slings               and               arrows               of               these               types               of               disorders.

If               you               pay               close               attention               to               the               second               statement               made               you               can               more               readily               understand               why.
               For               example,               I               have               a               friend               of               mine               who               posted               a               status               on               her               facebook               the               other               day               that               she               didn't               even               realize               may               be               offensive.

She               is               currently               going               for               her               Masters               degree               in               psychology               and               I               would               say               her               IQ               is               an               easy               140.

The               comment               was               "My               mentally               ill               people               magnet               must               be               on               full               strength               today"               and               though               I'm               sure               she               didn't               mean               anything               adverse               by               it               it               was               painful               to               realize               how               quickly               we               make               statements               we               can't               erase.

I'm               also               a               psychology               student               but               I've               also               suffered               from               bipolar               and               borderline               personality               disorder               myself.

It               can               be               frustrating,               trying,               painful,               and               you               really               can               make               decisions               that               you               are               not               aware               are               the               best               for               you.

I               thought               I               was               in               control               of               my               entire               life.

That               was               a               painful               joke               that               I               couldn't               laugh               off               anymore.

I               am               glad               to               be               in               DBT               therapy               and               learning               how               to               cope               with               some               of               the               issues               that               arise               in               my               everyday               life.
               Still,               stigma               is               everywhere,               but               its               most               painful               when               it               comes               from               the               field               that               is               suppose               to               prevent               its               development.

Its               a               fact               that               certain               doctors               and               therapists               limit               the               amount               of               BPD               patients               that               they               will               accept               at               any               given               time.

This               is               because               too               many               BPD               patients               can               be               overwhelming.

BPD               patients               can               and               will               (but               not               always)               develop               a               dependency               on               their               mental               health               provider               and               use               some               of               the               manipulation               tactics               they               may               use               in               any               other               relationship.

I'm               fortunate               to               not               be               suicidal               in               the               least               (I'm               too               selfish,               I               always               joke)               but               I               can               imagine               how               that               would               make               someone               feel               in               this               field.

It               can               be               overwhelming               and               we               do               have               to               realize               that               all               people,               professionals               or               not,               have               limitations               and               they               bring               their               own               prejudices               into               play               regardless.
               Still,               we               anxiously               await               for               the               day               that               people               understand               and               don't               jeopardize               someone               for               something               they               had               little               or               nothing               to               do               with.

Most               of               these               disorders               have               a               background               in               biology               and               could               no               more               be               changed               than               hair,               eye,               or               skin               color.

However,               there               are               medicines               and               treatments               available               for               almost               any               and               all               disorders.

The               most               important               thing               is               that               people               who               are               in               pain               find               a               way               to               conquer               it               and               become               masters               of               their               own               destiny.

No               one               wants               a               stigma               hanging               over               their               heads.

No               one               wants               people               pointing               fingers,               figuratively               or               literally,               and               making               them               feel               like               they               are               less               than               someone               else.

Through               education               and               understanding,               we               can               help               one               another               learn               to               love               and               accept               one               another.
               This               is               a               great               place               to               start:               http://www.nmha.org/
               In               closing,               I               would               like               to               introduce               a               national               symbol               of               the               mental               health               movement,               the               Mental               Health               Bell.

Again,               I'm               quoting               from               the               MHA               as               they               describe               the               bell               as               being               one               of               the               most               distinguished               in               the               world.

It               is               cast               from               shackles               and               chains               that               once               restrained               people               in               mental               hospitals,               and               its               a               dramatic               representation               of               hope,               vision,               and               liberty               for               people               with               mental               illness               in               this               country.
               The               message               is               clear:
               Stop               the               STIGMA!

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