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About 'can i get a student loan for a masters degree'|...USA, Vatican Does A Foodie Smackdown, Klan Wolf...Inequitable Punishment – Disrespect for Privacy, Desperate Crowds of Sheeple Can’t Think Straight Enough to Get Their Own ‘Star’ – Energy...

About 'can i get a student loan for a masters degree'|...USA, Vatican Does A Foodie Smackdown, Klan Wolf...Inequitable Punishment – Disrespect for Privacy, Desperate Crowds of Sheeple Can’t Think Straight Enough to Get Their Own ‘Star’ – Energy...

This               article               considers               the               financial               aspects               of               paying               for               an               online               degree               program.

Our               current               economy               reminds               us               of               the               need               to               be               careful               in               our               borrowing               and               spending.

While               I               would               not               trade               anything               for               my               education,               I               wish               that               I               had               been               more               careful               in               using               student               loans.

With               a               bachelor               degree               and               two               masters,               I               have               invested               a               lot               of               time,               and               most               of               all,               money               in               education.

Admittedly,               my               financial               choices               demonstrate               both               good               and               bad               practices               with               financial               aid.

I               have               borrowed               a               substantial               amount               of               money               through               student               loans               in               earning               my               degrees.

Now,               I               am               looking               at               an               online               degree               program               for               my               doctorate,               which               I               need               in               order               to               pursue               my               career               goal.
               Online               degree               programs               are               convenient               for               adult               learners,               but               they               are               also               very               expensive.

Schools               will               allow               you               to               borrow               the               maximum               amount.

Expensive               and               Indulgent:               It's               a               dangerous               combination.

Here               are               some               of               my               suggestions:
               ACCREDITATION:               Please               see               my               article               concerning               accreditation.

Make               sure               that               your               online               school               is               "regionally               accredited"               before               borrowing               money               to               go               there!

While               this               should               be               a               given,               it               is               not.
               WORK:               If               at               all               possible,               find               a               job               that               will               provide               for               your               personal               needs               and               wants               while               you're               going               to               school.

Check               with               your               company.

Sometimes,               companies               provide               educational               benefits               for               their               employees.

This               may               help               pay               for               your               education.

For               the               online               students               who               are               working               adults,               my               next               comments               probably               do               not               apply.

A               job               will               help               you               to               become               a               better               person:               more               independent,               responsible,               and               self-reliant.

Also,               it               teaches               us               the               value               of               money               and               how               to               handle               it.

You               become               more               aware               of               how               you               get               it               and               what               you               do               with               it.
               SCHOLARSHIPS               and               ASSISTANTSHIPS:               Search               for               scholarships               and/or               assistantships!

If               you               are               a               beginning               college               student,               then               talk               with               your               high               school               guidance               counselor               and/or               your               college               admissions               representative               about               scholarships.

If               you               are               a               graduate               student,               then               talk               with               your               department               about               graduate               assistantships.

Unfortunately,               online               schools               typically               do               not               offer               graduate               assistantships!

Still,               follow               through               on               applying               for               the               scholarships               for               which               you               are               eligible.

For               graduate               assistantships,               if               your               school               offers               them,               it               may               take               perseverance               to               obtain               one.
               BUDGET:               An               old               proverb               says,               "Those               who               fail               to               plan;               plan               to               fail."               Plan               your               spending!

When               you               don't               plan               your               spending,               you               usually               spend               too               much,               and               you               spend               it               on               things               that               you               don't               really               need.

Make               a               budget               and               stick               to               it.

There               are               many               simple               plans               for               budgeting               your               money.

It               does               not               have               to               be               difficult!

You               can               use               a               spiral               notebook               and               pen.

Plan               a               realistic               budget.

How               much               will               you               need               to               make               in               order               to               pay               the               bills?

Live               within               your               budget.
               BORROWING:               DON'T               BORROW               MORE               THAN               YOU               NEED!

It               is               tempting               to               borrow               the               maximum               amount               that               the               educational               institution               will               allow               you               to               borrow,               but               this               is               not               a               good               idea.

Keep               the               loan               amounts               as               small               as               possible.

If               you               do               work               on               the               side,               do               your               best               to               stay               within               your               means.

Borrow               for               what               you               need,               not               what               you               want.

I               know               students               who               have               borrowed               for               all               kinds               of               things:               computers,               cell               phones,               cars,               etc.

Do               not               borrow               for               things               that               you               don't               absolutely               need.

Keep               the               borrowing               as               low               as               possible.
               THE               BILL:               Keep               up               with               how               much               you've               borrowed.

You               can               view               this               through               the               FAFSA               website               (see               below).

YOU               WILL               HAVE               TO               PAY               IT               ALL               BACK,               PLUS               INTEREST!!!

I               am               not               saying               this               to               scare               you,               but               it               is               a               reality               check               because               you               will               have               to               pay               it               back.

Don't               think               of               it               as               "free,               easy               money"               because               it               is               not.

Think               of               this,               how               much               can               you               realistically               anticipate               making               with               your               degree?

How               long               will               it               take               for               you               to               pay               it               back?

How               much               will               your               monthly               payments               be?

These               are               important               considerations.

You               financial               loans               may               prevent               you               from               getting               married,               buying               a               car,               or               buying               a               house.

If               you               default               on               your               student               loans               then               the               loan               companies               may               take               part               of               your               wages,               or               it               may               prevent               you               from               getting               specific               jobs.
               An               online               degree               may               provide               you               with               the               job               skills               and               opportunity               that               you               desire.

For               many,               it               is               the               only               way               to               pursue               an               education               and               better               their               life.

Count               the               cost!

Financially,               will               getting               the               degree               allow               you               to               find               the               job               and               make               the               income               that               you               desire?

Things               to               think               about...
               Free               Application               for               Federal               Student               Aid               (FAFSA)               website:               http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/index.htm
               Personal               Experience

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can i get a student loan for a masters degree
can i get a student loan for a masters degree

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can i get a student loan for a masters degree
can i get a student loan for a masters degree

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can i get a student loan for a masters degree
can i get a student loan for a masters degree

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can i get a student loan for a masters degree
can i get a student loan for a masters degree

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can i get a student loan for a masters degree
can i get a student loan for a masters degree

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